The University of Liberia College of
Health Sciences (ULCHS), in partnership with the United States-based partner universities Yale and
Vanderbilt, has begun Camp xSEL (Excellence in Science Education for Liberia) a four-week program to
equip incoming students with learning tools for their journeys into pre-medical and pre-clinical studies at
the University of Liberia.
The event takes place on the Fendell Campus of the University of Liberia in Louisiana, Montserrado County.
“Through this Camp, we are hopeful that our emerging science students who are passionate about premedical and pre-clinical studies will have a great opportunity to participate in an intensive science and
critical thinking skills camp. They will interact with lecturers and their peers, learn, and share knowledge during the next four weeks,” said Dr. Bernice Dahn, Vice President for Health Sciences at the University of Liberia and Co-Principal Investigator on the BRIDGE-U project. She further noted, “I am sure this will
boost the confidence of most of our young students who aspire to enroll in the medical school here at the University of Liberia.”
During the four-week Camp, which is centered around inquiry-based learning, data-driven critical thinking,
relational and holistic concept understanding, and soft-skill building, participants will be equipped with
skills for their academic success in medical school.
To better prepare incoming students to succeed in medical school, they will participate in interactive
classroom sessions throughout the Camp, focusing on math, chemistry, biology, physics, and various
sections of English (reading comprehension and oral speech).
Additionally, pre-clinical students will sit for math, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, cellular and
molecular biology, and English. There will be a weekly lab section for both the pre-medical and pre-clinical
students during the Camp. They will be given the opportunity to have a discussion section and review
scientific journals. During weekends, students will participate in workshops on public health and sexual
and reproductive health, open field times, and writing clinic times when students will have access to help
in editing their lab reports. Upon completing the intensive science and math camp in the four weeks,
students will be better prepared to enter the A.M. Dogliotti School of Medicine at the University of Liberia.
In future years, the program will bring secondary students to partake in the Camp xSEL during vacation
Camp xSEL is part of the USAID-funded BRIDGE-U: Applying Research for a Healthy Liberia project, and
was planned with support from the PEPFAR-funded Resilient and Responsive Health Systems Liberia
Camp Details: Camp xSEL (Excellence in Science Education for Liberia) for
Incoming Pre-Medical and Pre-Clinical Students
Location: Fendall Campus, Louisiana
Date: October 11 – November 12, 2021
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm Daily
About Camp xSEL
Camp xSEL was conceptualized to allow for secondary school students’ smooth and cohesive transition into
medical education. It arose from the great need to cultivate critical thinking skills, comprehensive and
synthetic material understanding, and fundamental scientific skills to prospective medical school students
and students interested in the health sciences. It aims to provide empirical context and a fun and interactive
learning experience for its participants. In 2021, the Camp xSEL model is being piloted with incoming pre-medical and pre-clinical students.