CDC Youth League Purges ‘Sellout’ Jose Tarnue -Demands Representative Smith Suspension

The National Youth League of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), nabbed in its track a dubious act of Jose Tarnue, senior staff in the office of Montserrado County District #2 Representative Jimmy Smith for taking money from the opposition community to sow seed of discord within the ruling establishment.

Addressing a news conference on the afternoon of August 11, 2021, at the party’s headquarters in Congo Town, the Youth League through its Deputy Secretary General for Administration, Hassan Newland said it was established following an investigation by the Grievance and Ethics Committee of the Youth League that partisan Tarnue surreptitiously received the amount of US$25,000.00 from the Political Leader of the opposition Alternative National Congress (ANC), Alexander Benedict Cummings to infiltrate the ruling CDC and create division within the ranks of the party through financial inducement.

The Youth League disclosed that the act, according to the investigation, was sanctioned by Representative Jimmy Smith to plant hired guns in the party of ignite discord.

Giving the veracity of the act and the party’s uncompromising zero tolerance for corruption, partisan Jose Tarnue has been expelled. The Youth League is also demanding the concorent suspension of Representative Smith for haboring such unhealthy act that bring the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change’s stance against corruption into question. The Youth League emphasized that it will not contenance members of its ranks allowing themselves to be used as pawns dubiously.

The largest auxiliary group of the ruling party says it believes that people who would go at every length to undermine the honest efforts of the party to maintain a clean slate on malfeasance should have no place in the ranks of the institution.

The aforesaid act contravenes Section 2, sub-section 2.2.1 andSection 5, subsection 5.1.3 of the Code of Conduct and the By-Lawsof the Youth League.

We want to strongly advise the general public to stop doing businesswith former partisan Tarnue as doing so will be at your own risk ashe remains a deviant, dangerous species that could terminate anyonewith his desperate attitude. Former partisan Jose Tarnue and hislikes are under the instructions of Rep. Smith to reverse the gainsthe party has made over the years and such will never be tolerated,” the Youth League indicated.  

The National Youth League, at the same time, calls on ChairmanMulbah K. Morlu to suspend Representative Jimmy Smith ofDistrict #2 Montserrado County and subject him to investigations bythe Grievance and Ethics Committee for being a mastermind ofsowing division in the district among partisans and undermining theMighty CDC for personal gains. Rep. Smith has been the oneinstructing his office staff Jose Tarnue to rain insults on thePresident of Liberia, the Chairman of the CDC and other officials ofgovernment.

Rep. Smith’s action to participate in this devilish scheme istantamount to the betrayal of a party that made him after severalattempts of him being a failed representative aspirant,” the Youth League stated.

Representative Smith has since refused to respond to this paper’s inquiry regarding the grave allegations against him.


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M-News Africa is an online magazine that reports trending issues, politics, tourism, investigative reporting, Environmental, Marine Ecosystem, Human Rights, Human Interest and other cross-cutting issues. Contact us: +231 775 552 553;;; Carey and Center Streets Intersection, Monrovia