Dutch Renewable Energy Company Emergi To Launch First Generation Electric TukTuks In Liberia


  • Emergi to pilot first generation of electric TukTuks in Liberia
  • Emergi launches crowdfunding campaign to kickstart pilot


In 2020 Emergi is planning to pilot the first generation of completely electric Kekehs (three wheeler vehicles) in the West African country of Liberia. To kickstart the project Emergi has launched a crowdfunding campaign, to garner public support to bring innovative renewable energy solutions to Liberia’s transportation sector. With this crowdfunding Emergi aims to raise € 10,000.-. With every € 3,500.- collected, Emergi can put an extra electric kekeh, with solar charging, on the road.

Emergi is a Dutch renewable energy company which develops renewable energy products that generate economic and social value in developing markets. The company kicks off the campaign as rampant fuel shortages challenge drivers throughout the capital Monrovia, and beyond. Having done thorough market research amongst kekeh drivers and other actors in the renewable energy and transport sector in Liberia, Emergi is confident that the electric kehkeh’s will improve both the cost of ownership and driver experience, while reducing noise and air pollution in the city.

Why are we doing this?

Emergi wants to introduce a more sustainable and inclusive means of transport!

This means:

  • Decrease renewable energy poverty
  • Inclusion of female drivers
  • Less pollution in the city
  • Less noise for the driver
  • More income for the driver
  • Better service for customers
  • Reduced cost of ownership (from US$4,000 to US$2,500 per year)
  • Reduced CO2 emissions and a positive impact on the environment
  • Liberia’s resilience is improved as locally produced renewable energy reduces dependency on unreliable gasoline import


The electric kekehs will include innovations to increase the income and safety for the driver such as:

  • mobile payment
  • on-board driver safety cameras, specifically to improve safety for female drivers
  • GPS support
  • solar charging stations

With this project Liberia will become one of the first countries with electric vehicles in West Africa. The tested innovations will be included into our business operations, scaled up and introduced in other African countries. This will lead to future quality jobs for (female) drivers, mechanics, EV and renewable energy experts, and IT specialists. The crowdfunding campaign is open for contributions until 4 December 2020, giving supporters an opportunity to aid the green energy transition in Liberia, or buy their very own kekeh! Visit https://www.emergi.nl/ for more details. To make it fun for you we have developed a wide range of rewards such as workshops, honorary mentions and exclusive merchandise with our unique E-Kekeh artwork! Help create jobs and higher income in Liberia while supporting Africa’s energy transition!


Quotes from Emergi team


“Being a father of two adorable children has made me acutely aware of the world future generations will inherit from us and our shared responsibility to leave behind a planet that is sustainable. But for me, accelerating the renewable energy revolution is about more than just taking care of our environment. The true testimony of renewable energy will be its ability to produce and provide energy there where it is needed most, in the hands of people who have lacked access to energy for generations. This is why I founded Emergi, so we can play a key role to address these challenges.”

Richard van Hoolwerff – Founder and CEO of Emergi


“Renewable energy is a giant step towards a better Liberia… it’s a giant step towards a better Africa. With solar energy, Liberia would be more sustainable than ever. Our transportation and electrical sectors would have the upgrade they have been needing for ages. I think it’s a wonderful thing that we have an abundance of sunlight here. The sun is way too generous to us; she gives us too much of her energy to be used in one day. It is time we use some for our vehicles and save some for the night.”

Elvis T. Thomas – Trainee Engineer Emergi


Relevante links:

Emergi website: https://www.emergi.nl/

Crowdfunding campaign: https://onepercentclub.com/en/initiatives/activities/details/funding/7133/liberias-e-vehicle-revolution


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Emergi develops renewable energy products that generate economic and social value in developing markets. We offer innovative products to contribute to the energy revolution and a renewable future through the core values of impact, sustainability and innovation.


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    M-News Africa is an online magazine that reports trending issues, politics, tourism, investigative reporting, Environmental, Marine Ecosystem, Human Rights, Human Interest and other cross-cutting issues. Contact us: +231 775 552 553; editor@mnewsafrica.com; info@mnewsafrica.com; Carey and Center Streets Intersection, Monrovia


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M-News Africa is an online magazine that reports trending issues, politics, tourism, investigative reporting, Environmental, Marine Ecosystem, Human Rights, Human Interest and other cross-cutting issues. Contact us: +231 775 552 553; editor@mnewsafrica.com; info@mnewsafrica.com; Carey and Center Streets Intersection, Monrovia