Gender minister Williametta Saydee-Tarr has urged girls to take the lead in addressing digital gap as Liberian leaders and partners continue to expand empowerment opportunities to ensure that they take a front role in the decision-making process of the country.
The Minister of Gender spoke Monday at the Monrovia Vocational Training Center (MVTC) on the Japan Freeway during the celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child, commemorated under the global theme: “Digital Generation, Our Generation,” With a national theme; “Bridging Digital Gap for Girls in Liberia.”
Tarr noted that the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection is concerned with how it can increase learning opportunities for girls, thus expanding connectivity and reducing poverty by utilizing various digital platforms as the world slowly but steadily recovers from the COVID-19 Pandemic which has wrecked some of the strongest and most organized health systems on the planet.
“In order to bridge the digital gap, we must begin to provide opportunities for girls to acquire education in this sector by supporting programs in our schools. Without access to education we cannot enlighten girls on how they can unlock their boundless potentials using digital devices,” she pointed out.
“In Liberia, the majority of school-going girls are still yet to have seen or touched a computer, while in today’s world, the demand for digital education is high,” Tarr noted, adding, “that digital knowledge is now fundamental to the attainment of jobs and the attainment of stability both in the public and private sectors.”
“As a government, we are happy with the growing number of technical schools that are strictly concentrated on providing primary and advanced digital education for our citizens. Our girls have to take their space so that what you decide becomes the new norm,” Minister Tarr said.
She assured girls in Liberia that the conversations being held at the celebration will be elevated to the level of Cabinet, so as to ensure that they increase the level of support to the digital sector.
Moreover, Min. Tarr said, though it is clear that the world is still a long way from giving girls a sound, safe and equitable society, like Liberia, many nations around the world still fall short of ensuring access to education, nutrition, healthcare, and legal rights for girls.
“Vices which continue to threaten the nurturing of girls globally have to stop and it must stop NOW! As we observe this year’s celebration, it is important to emphasize that the empowerment of girls is central to economic growth and the eradication of global poverty,” the Gender boss emphasized.