The General Overseer of the Divine Encounter Praise Chapel International Ministries, Apostle Luke G. Darlos says Liberia’s problem is spiritual and as such there is a compelling reason to conduct spiritual deliverance through the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.
“The Executive Mansion is under demonic control since the 1980s. This is why presidents have been afraid to sit there. Until this deliverance is done cleanse that mansion with the Blood of Jesus Christ, nothing will be straight in Liberia,” the Anointed servant of God said during the 18th Night of his church’s 21 Days Fasting and Praying Revival service in Monrovia on December 19, 2019.
According to Apostle Darlos, he is planning to lead a matching of believers from Redlight to the Executive Mansion on Capitol Hill to pray and plead the Blood of Jesus Christ for the divine intervention of God in delivering Liberia from evil forces that are controlling the country’s fate.
He is asking other ministers and members of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to join him in this spiritual effort.
“If that place is not delivered through the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ, no president will ever enter that Mansion and live because Satan is sitting on the country’s highest seat where decisions are made,” he added.