Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee has reiterated calls for Liberian avail themselves for voluntary COVID-19 testing in an effort to combat the novel Corona virus.
Mayor Koijee spoke Thursday, June 18, 2020 after his COVID-19 test proved negative.
Mayor Koijee on Monday, June 15, 2020 participated in a voluntary testing at the William V.S. Tubman High School in Sinkor specimen center in which his result proves negative.
He is part of few government officials who have adhered to health authorities’ appeal for a voluntary testing amidst a sharp increase in the number of Corona virus cases in Liberia.
Health Authorities in Liberia have since called on every Liberian to avail themselves to be tested voluntarily as a means of knowing the number of affected persons in the Country and put into place measures that will enable them get immediate treatments.
This, according to Health authorities, will reduce the infectious rate associated with the virus coupled with the reduction in the number of deaths.
Liberia currently has 516- confirmed cases , 243- Active cases , 240- recovery and 33-deaths with the total of 12- counties affected .
Speaking to Journalists after the disclosure of his test result, cheerful Koijee expressed profound gratitude to medical practitioners across the country for their invaluable and professional services to save lives.
“Medical Practitioners are the true heroes and heroines in the fight against the deadly corona virus and we must all appreciate them for their efforts. We call on them to continue their unforgettable services rendered to patients at various COVID-19 treatment centers, and other health facilities across the Country,” Mayor Koijee noted.
He has called on everyone to see reasons to do a voluntary testing in order to know their status.
“Please have courage and do your test, it’s no death sentence having the virus, the sooner you know your status, the better for you” Mayor Koijee told Journalists in Monrovia.
Mayor Koijee has also disclosed that several of those recruited as Active Case Finders, Communicators, Mobilizers and supervisors by MCC, NPHIL and LCP have done their test with few results proving positive.
“We concluded our Corona virus testing and it came negative , our hearts go out to several still hanging there at the 14- Military Hospital undergoing care from trained medical practitioners including few of our Active case finders , mobilizers , communicators and Supervisors” he lamented.
The Monrovia City Mayor reechoed calls for every employee of the Monrovia City Government as well as Active Case Finders, Mobilizers and Communicators to lead by example by participating in the voluntary COVID-19 testing exercise.