The president of the Maryland County youth association stage a protest against the management of Liberia electricity cooperation or Cheway electrical power association for the high rate of light bills.
Mr Thomas Kumah President of the Maryland youth association disclosed that the management of LEC or CEPA charge a lot of money for current bills.
Why LEC will charge huge money for only few bubs,
The citizens are crying because the light bills are huge and the County authority is yet to intervene Mr Kuma lamented.
Expressing their Grievances, the youths of Maryland County took the entire street of Pleebo with written inscription on posters.
LEC /CEPA is unable to perfectly manage the power.
LEC please don’t suffer the people of Maryland.
President Weah please save Pleebo sodoken District from the hands of LEC.
In an interview with the field supervisor of LEC / CEPA Henry Hodge disclosed that the current is not free because it requires to be Maintained.
The current is not free, if we make the current free then who will maintain it
The problem is that the citizens are not fair to us they will have freezer, fan, television, electric irons etc and will tell us that they only have bubs around their houses but when we check the meter it reads more than expected. Hodge explain.
The county authority is yet to react.