The Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo Information Services (LISGIS), with funding from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has conducted a three-day Data Analysis Capacity building Training in Ganta, Nimba County.
The training focused on the thematic analysis of the Household Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016/2017.
According to the Organizers, trainings are important tools used to strengthen/refresh the capacity of thematic consultants, research associates as well as other staff of LISGIS who are engaged in analysis and report writing to communicate better, improve the contents of statistical reports, and strengthen partnerships and networks.
Over 25 senior and middle level technicians from Line Ministries and Agencies as well as consultants, involved in data collection and analysis participated, with the aim to build and improve their statistical capacities within the framework of the Government’s Pro-Poor Agenda.
Speaking during the exercise, the City Mayor of Ganta, Amos Suah, mentioned that the training will have a great impact on communities that depend on data to understand the socio economic situation of the country.
Mayor Suah recognized the efforts by UNDP to build the capacity of Liberians to contribute to Liberia’s development initiatives.
The Director-General of LISGIS, Francis Wreh stated that the Country will be depending on data analysts to contribute to the upcoming national census, stressing the need to build and improve their skills to be better prepared for the tasks ahead.
“Evidence based data is extremely important in the collection and analysis of information. Therefore, Analysts have to be prepared to defend their data and analysis,”Wreh noted.
He urged beneficiaries to use the skills acquired to create awareness, promote understanding and be agents of change on how data is collected and used by improving skills that are vital to the collection and proper use of credible statistics.
“You have a responsibility to disabuse the minds of people that the data you collect is not credible,” the LISGIS Boss intimated.
The training was also used as a platform to support the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) in the production of a polished and peer-review quality report with in-depth analysis using the HIES 2016 data.
LISGIS and UNDP provided technical support to highlight thematic layouts, analytical writing styles and converting data files into usable formats for analysts.
Trainees were exposed and drilled on basic tools on effective data collection, analysis and utilization.
UNDP National Economist Stanley Kamara said now that the government’s Pro poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) has been unveiled by the President, data collection, processing, analysis and use, form an integral part of the implementation of the national agenda.
Mr. Kamara indicated that using data as a critical tool, will also help fulfill the principles of the domestication of the SDGs and Africa 2063 Framework.
“This requires training of Liberians to prepare them adequately to handle national duties, thus reducing the reliance and challenges on external assistance and consultancies,” Kamara stressed.
Data Users and Producers participating in the training pointed out that data analysis is critical to the growth and development of the country.
Myer Saye and Patrick Kenyor added that the training is the right step in the right direction and an important learning curve for data analysts to be exposed to the required tools needed to strengthen the capacity of Liberians on data usage.
“Liberia has a pool of data analysts that need adequate training in data analysis which is lacking in line Ministries and Agencies,” notes Kenyor.
Patrick Kenyor said new concepts and skills are needed on the labor market, emphasizing the need to think outside the box by training a pool of analysts over a six month period to add value to the work of Liberian analysts to avoid spending thousands of dollars on international consultancies.
Myer Saye encouraged beneficiaries to maximize the use of the training to add value to their respective duties and responsibilities.
The training was a follow-up to the one held in April this year for over 75 senior and middle level technicians from Line Ministries and Agencies involved in data collection and analysis with the aim to build a strong statistical foundation of data analysts and statisticians